Mogens Blanke, Michel Kinnaert, Jan Lunze, Marcel Staroswiecki
Diagnosis and Fault-Tolerant Control
1. Introduction to diagnosis and fault-tolerant control
2. Examples
Part I: Analysis based on components and system structure
3. Models of dynamical systems
4. Analysis based on components and architecture
5. Structural analysis
Part II: Continuous-variable systems
6. Fault diagnosis of deterministic systems
7. Fault diagnosis of stochastic systems
8. Reconfigurability analysis
9. Fault accomodation and reconfiguration methods
Part III: Discrete-event systems
10. Fault diagnosis of discrete-event systems
11. Diagnosis of I/O automata networks
References; Some prerequisites on vectors and matrices; Notions of probability theory; Nomenclature; Termininology; Dictionary; Subject index

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