
Jan Lunze

Networked Control of Multi-Agent Systems

Consensus and synchronisation
Communication structure design
Self-organisation in networked systems
Event-triggered control

2nd ed. 2022, XXV, 721 pp.
With 394 figures, 82 examples, 112 exercises

Edition MoRa
ISBN: 9789403648477

This is the first textbook about networked control that gives a thorough introduction to the graph-theoretical and systems-theoretical foundations and combines both to systematic ways for dealing with networked dynamical systems. It starts with consensus and synchronisation as the classical problems of the field and continues with the communication structure design of networked controllers, self-organised and event-triggered control, which are novel problems for which solutions have been elaborated recently.

The second edition presents, besides many revised parts, new material about the robustness of synchronised systems and numerous additional examples and exercises. The application studies have been extended and its description is collected in a supplementary booklet.

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Supplementary material


Jan Lunze

Networked Control of Multi-Agent Systems:
Application Studies

1st ed. 2022, IX, 127 pp.
With 85 figures

Edition MoRa
ISBN: 9789403648484

In this accompanying booklet, twelve application studies demonstrate that the methods for the analysis and design of networked control systems introduced in the textbook can be used under practical circumstances.

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Additional information



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